189: How Do I Support My Unathletic Son in our Sports-Obsessed Town?

Is your child uninterested in team sports in a sports-obsessed town? In this episode, Dr. Lisa Damour and Reena offer practical advice for parents on finding alternative activities that align with your child's passions, while still fostering social connections. They explore the importance of nurturing your child’s confidence and self-worth, whether or not that includes team sports.  We want to hear from you! Do you have a kid in a similar position?  Follow and subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can see all our latest video episodes: https://youtube.com/@asklisapodcast And follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn @AskLisaPodcast, @Lisa.Damour, @ReenaNinan. Checkout Dr. Lisa’s website for more resources: https://www.drlisadamour.com/ Ask Lisa is produced by: https://www.goodtroubleproductions.com Keywords: support, team sports, athletic, unathletic, sports-obsessed town, physical activity, alternative physical activities, social connection, confidence, self-worth