Choosing (or Changing) Your Doctor or Midwife
Choosing (or Changing) Your Doctor or Midwife
Your care provider is the cornerstone of your prenatal care and birth experience. You will work with this expert resource throughout pregnancy to make critical decisions. Choosing your care provider is more nuanced than having a midwife for a home birth or an OB/GYN for a birth at a hospital. Your c
10 Steps to Craft Your Birth Plan
10 Steps to Craft Your Birth Plan
A birth plan is a document that outlines your preferences for labor and what happens directly following the birth of your baby. A birth plan is much more than a piece of paper you hand to your care provider. It is the process you go through to prepare for your desired birth experience. This process
Pros and Cons of Erythromycin Eye Ointment for Your Newborn
Pros and Cons of Erythromycin Eye Ointment for Your Newborn
Administering erythromycin eye ointment to newborns is a standard procedure in the United States to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum. Ophthalmia neonatorum is a newborn eye infection that affects 1-2% of newborns in the United States. This infection can be caused by sexually transmitted infections, vir
Benefits and Risks of Vitamin K for Newborns
Benefits and Risks of Vitamin K for Newborns
Newborns naturally have low levels of vitamin K at birth. The danger of low vitamin K levels is the risk of vitamin K deficiency bleeding. This is a rare but severe complication. You can decrease the risk of vitamin K deficiency bleeding by giving your baby a vitamin K shot shortly after birth. Admi
Options To Make a Cesarean More Mom- And Baby-Friendly
Options To Make a Cesarean More Mom- And Baby-Friendly
In the United States, one in three babies is born via cesarean. Every expecting mother should be knowledgeable about cesarean birth, even if that is not your primary birth plan. As cesarean births have become more common, options have expanded to make the procedure more mom- and baby-friendly. In re
What to Expect in a Cesarean Birth
What to Expect in a Cesarean Birth
A cesarean section, also known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby through incisions in the mother's abdomen and uterus. You and your doctor may plan a cesarean birth if you have a complication that would make a vaginal delivery difficult. Every expecting mother should be knowl
Optimal Labor Positions for a Shorter and Easier Birth
Optimal Labor Positions for a Shorter and Easier Birth
For most of human history, a mother in labor was free to move around and change positions at will, with the most common positions being upright. In the mid-1600s, obstetricians started putting mothers on their backs. Thankfully, in recent years, more evidence has supported allowing a mother to choos
Your Options for the Third Stage of Labor
Your Options for the Third Stage of Labor
The third stage of labor starts after your baby is born and ends with birthing the placenta. Even after your beautiful baby is born your uterus will continue to contract. These contractions are generally more mild than the contractions you experience during birth. As your uterus begins to contract a
Can Eating Dates Naturally Induce Labor and Shorten Duration?
Can Eating Dates Naturally Induce Labor and Shorten Duration?
Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree. While dates are high in sugar, they also contain nutrients like fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B6. There are many claims about the health benefits of eating dates. Among the many claims is that dates can naturally induce labor and make labor
Prenatal Yoga, Recommendations and What to Avoid
Prenatal Yoga, Recommendations and What to Avoid
Many studies demonstrate the benefits of yoga during pregnancy, from reducing time in labor to improving newborn outcomes. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that modified yoga is one of the safest exercises for pregnant women. ACOG also cautions against specific poses an
Strength Training and Lifting Weights During Pregnancy
Strength Training and Lifting Weights During Pregnancy
Research has firmly established that strength and resistance training benefits physical and mental health. Lifting weights may be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about strength training. This can include resistance bands, kettlebells, and body-weight exercises like pushups, pull-ups
Cardio Exercise During Pregnancy (Running, Walking, Swimming, and more)
Cardio Exercise During Pregnancy (Running, Walking, Swimming, and more)
Cardio is any workout in which you elevate your heart rate. Many exercises fall under the umbrella of cardio. This includes walking, hiking, running, biking, rowing or elliptical machines, dancing, playing sports, or HIIT (high-intensity interval training). Activities like jumping jacks, burpees, an
Exercise During Pregnancy, Recommendations and What to Avoid
Exercise During Pregnancy, Recommendations and What to Avoid
Regular exercise during pregnancy can decrease your risk of complications like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and cesarean birth and promote a healthy weight gain. Working out can also ease common pregnancy symptoms like constipation and back pain. In addition, living an active lifestyle will i
Fourth Trimester Planning Ahead
Fourth Trimester Planning Ahead
The most significant adjustment period is the first three months after your baby is born. In reality, recovering from birth takes longer for many new parents. You are healing and navigating how to care for yourself and a tiny human. This is a big transition from pregnancy and an even more significan
Fourth Trimester What to Expect
Fourth Trimester What to Expect
During pregnancy, you focus on your health, baby, and planning for birth. Many expecting moms often overlook what happens after birth and what they may experience postpartum. Your body needs time to recover after nine months of pregnancy, giving birth, and establishing breastfeeding. Many things hap
Third Trimester Overview
Third Trimester Overview
Week 28 until your baby’s birth, around 40 weeks, is the last stretch until you meet your baby. This episode covers everything you need to know to navigate the third trimester. Your baby undergoes many changes this trimester to prepare for life outside your womb. This trimester can be challenging as
Second Trimester Overview
Second Trimester Overview
Weeks 13 to 27 of your pregnancy tend to be the favorite period for many expecting moms. This episode covers everything you need to know to navigate the second trimester. Your belly will start showing, and you can feel your baby kicking. By this point, morning sickness should be subsiding. You have
First Trimester Overview
First Trimester Overview
The first 12 weeks of your pregnancy are the most significant adjustment period. This episode covers everything you need to know to navigate the first trimester. Your baby is building organs and structures. You will experience some physical and emotional symptoms of pregnancy. Understanding common f
Getting Sick During Pregnancy (Colds, Flu, and COVID-19)
Getting Sick During Pregnancy (Colds, Flu, and COVID-19)
Pregnancy affects every system in your body, including your immune system. It is so important to take care of your health when you are expecting. Even when you take precautions to avoid getting sick, you can get a cold, flu, or COVID-19 at some point over the nine months of your pregnancy. Being sic
Preventing and Treating Fevers During Pregnancy
Preventing and Treating Fevers During Pregnancy
A fever is part of your body’s immune response as a natural defense against infection. The risks and benefits of fever during pregnancy differ from those of someone who is not pregnant. Running a fever during your pregnancy can be scary. Studies have linked maternal fevers to complications like auti
Boosting Your Immune System During Pregnancy
Boosting Your Immune System During Pregnancy
The immune system is complex, and there is a lot of research on how different nutrients impact it. Before you buy any supplements, please make sure you are already prioritizing covering the basics, including eating healthy, sleep, hydration, and exercise. No amount of immune-boosting supplements or
Supporting Your Immune System During Pregnancy
Supporting Your Immune System During Pregnancy
Your immune system keeps you healthy and helps fight off infection. The classic perspective is that pregnancy suppresses your immune system. Advancements in our understanding of the immune system during pregnancy paint a more colorful picture. We now see the placenta as an immune regulatory organ. A
Crafting a Positive Body Image During Pregnancy and Motherhood
Crafting a Positive Body Image During Pregnancy and Motherhood
Your body will undergo a more significant transformation during pregnancy than in any other period. Although building and growing a human is an amazing feat, not everyone is thrilled about the physical changes. There is evidence that women commonly experience body dissatisfaction during and after pr
Placenta Encapsulation: The Evidence on the Risks and Benefits
Placenta Encapsulation: The Evidence on the Risks and Benefits
The thought of eating your placenta might gross you out at first, but once you hear about some of the fantastic benefits women claim it has, you might be willing to consider it. This is not another podcast solely focused on all the wonderful things placenta encapsulation does. This episode dives int