What are some parenting highs and lows you’ve experienced this week?

As a parent, your days are filled with highs and lows, and this week has likely been no exception. Perhaps you experienced a parenting high this week when you saw your child achieve something they had been working towards, whether it was a good grade on a test, a new skill in sports, or a breakthrough in their personal development. Seeing your child succeed can be a wonderful feeling and can remind you of the joys of parenting.

However, there may have been some lows as well. Maybe your child was struggling with a difficult situation, such as a friendship issue or academic challenge, and you felt helpless to fix it. Or perhaps you found yourself feeling overwhelmed or frustrated by the demands of parenting and struggling to find balance in your own life.

Remember that both highs and lows are a natural part of parenting, and it's important to give yourself grace and compassion during these moments. If you have experiences or thoughts to share, we invite you to do so in the comments below.