Is Fear Holding You Back From Embracing Authenticity?

EP:121 As we navigate the holidays, I want to talk about the power of authenticity. It can be so hard to show up as our true selves, especially around family.

I know from my own experience that being authentic is scary - there’s fear of rejection, abandonment, and judgment. But when we don’t embrace who we really are, it can lead to anxiety, depression, and a deep sense of disconnection.

I’ve had to work hard to break free from the patterns I learned growing up, where I played the “class clown” to keep the peace. Even now, I have to remind myself to own my opinions and needs, even if it makes my family uncomfortable.

But you know what? It’s so worth it. When we have the courage to be ourselves, it opens the door to more meaningful connections and self-love. That’s the greatest gift this season.

So my challenge to you is to trust the discomfort, and know that you are worthy of showing up as your true self. Whether that’s skipping the big gathering or ordering pizza instead of the Honey Baked Ham - do what feels right for you.

Wishing you all a holiday filled with authenticity and self-compassion.

Dr. B

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