Sex and Intimacy within a Partnership

EP:125 Hi Friends! I've noticed a pattern with my clients - many struggle with intimacy and sex within their marriages or partnerships. This is a topic that isn't openly discussed, but it's so important. Intimacy should be a deep, mutual connection - not a one-sided experience where one partner's needs are neglected. I've heard too many stories of intimacy feeling like a chore, rather than a pleasurable, regulating experience for both people.
I want to empower you to advocate for your own needs when it comes to intimacy. Your body, your choice. You deserve to feel comfortable, respected, and mutually satisfied. Don't be afraid to have an open conversation with your partner about your desires and boundaries. Your wellbeing should be the priority, not just meeting your partner's needs. You have the right to prioritize your own pleasure and regulation.  

Links & Resources:

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#intimacy #sexandrelationships #marriageadvice #selfcare #boundaries #couplegoals